5 Brilliant Ways to Make Grading a Breeze

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As teachers we spend HOURS grading every week.

This week, I am excited to share with you tips and tricks for streamlining your grading and being effective and efficient with your time as well as making your grading meaningful for yourself and your students.

First and foremost, the why. WHY are we grading in the first place?

Grading is not just to put a percentage in the grade book. It’s not to “catch” students not doing the job.

The REASON we grade is to give our students FEEDBACK and to ultimately GUIDE our teaching. Our students need to know where they are in relation to meeting the standard we are teaching, and by grading we can do this.

My greatest bit of advice when it comes to grading is this... GRADE IN A TIMELY MANNER OR AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!

By doing this, the information you are getting is fresh and meaningful to you and your students and can be used for immediate feedback.

Here are some thoughts to try! Pick one to add to your existing grading routine this week!

  • BEFORE YOU EVEN START... always have a class list check off. This is my staple!! I use one list TWICE for EVERY assignment! I number my students alphabetically, then check off work once it is turned in. (Or better yet, have your students do it) Finally, I record the actual grade after it is corrected. The class list check off keeps papers in order so that I know who is missing the assignment and can quickly enter grades in the grade book when ready.

I have included an editable template for you to use here. Copy it, add it to your drive, and add your students!

From here, I use different techniques for each subject.

  • 95% of the time, when teaching Math, I grade as soon as the papers come in while students are still working independently. I check quickly and call kids back to pick up their paper and fix. This way my students know if they have the concept before the class period has ended. If they need help, they ask then, and I know if I need to re-teach or move on.

  • For writing, I always use a rubric! I make sure that I have taught to it first and then it makes it SUPER EASY to grade.

  • For other assignments, make sure you have a WORK TURN IN box. From day one, teach your students where to turn in work so it is never a mystery. Then, one of my classroom jobs is to have a STUDENT put the papers in number order, check off who has turned them in, and attach the class list check off to the top of the stack for me. I know immediately, by looking at the list attached to the top of the pile, who is done and can remind the students who are not just by glancing at the stack.

And like I’ve said before... grade papers during your prep period! Shut your door, turn on some soft music and get to work. It always takes time to get started, but once you get going, it goes fast.  If someone stops in to ask a question, you can pick up again right away after they leave. Also, remember, not EVERYTHING needs to go in that grade book! Make sure that what you put in the grade book is an accurate measure of your student’s success toward that standard you are teaching. Check in with your district to make sure you are adhering to their standards, but a good rule of thumb is 2 graded entries per week, per subject.

So there you go! Pick a strategy and try it this week!

I promise it will only make your grading life run a little more smoothly!

Always Cheering you on!