Are you Dreading Monday? How to LOVE Your Job Again!
When Sunday afternoon rolls around, how do you feel? Do you love your job? Are you excited for a new week? Do you love where you work, what you do, the difference you are making?
Or are you dreading it? Every. Single. Minute. of it?
Most people dread their day job usually because of one of these 3 main reasons. One, they feel underappreciated and not valued. Two, they don't feel challenged. Or three, they don't feel safe to take healthy risks. If you’re in a job where you are feeling this way and one of these three reasons are why, it may be time to make a move to a new location. This may not be the place for you. You may or may not be doing something new, you just may need a change of venue.
But what if those reasons aren't why you don't like going to work everyday? What if you just can't pinpoint why you are unhappy? You find yourself in the mundane trap of going through the motions of your everyday life. You do the bare minimum, don't challenge yourself, and more or less just get through the day clinging to the weekend. Which now comes and goes faster than ever.
Well, if this is where you find yourself. You may need to zero in on WHY you are here in the first place. This thing you do for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week...WHY are you here? What is the driving force that put you here? Why did you travel down this road originally? Once you have that answer, it's time to focus in on WHY you aren't happy? Again, you spend MOST of your time here, shouldn't you be happy?
The reason I ask you to do this is because it might be time for a perspective switch. You may need to go back to where you came from by placing your WHY front and center. No matter what, if you are unhappy, you need to get back to your why. So much of how you feel about your job can be fixed in your mind using your perspective and attitude. When you get back to WHY you are here in the first place, it helps to reignite that passion and love for the work you are doing. It gives you purpose for being there.
Your WHY could even be that this J.O.B. is just a means to an end. It is getting you from point A to point B so that you can eventually do the important work that you are on this earth to do in the first place. Even then, it's important to identify that so that you can truly be happy where you are, in this moment, as you move toward the future.
So stop now... Zero in on your WHY. Make sure you know exactly what it is and that it is crystal clear. When you have it... keep reading!
Ok! Now that you remember WHY you are working in this field, at this job, are in this career, it's time to reexamine your ATTITUDE.
How do you come to work every morning? Are you there to "Bring the Joy?" Is your attitude positive and energetic? You don't realize it, but you have the power to change the environment with your attitude. People are drawn to positive people and the funny thing is, they become more positive when you are more positive. Attitude is a funny thing. You may have to dig down and force it out for a while, but then it will become habit just like anything else and you will begin to feel happy inside as a result.
After that, check in to see if you are looking for your job to satisfy you or if you are working to grow where you are? Are you there to do the bare minimum or are you searching for ways to challenge yourself, contribute and give back to your company or school? If you are coming to work doing the smallest amount just to get by, your mental state is such and you will NEVER find satisfaction with your work.
Is this work TRULY something you enjoy? Is it the best way possible to ultimately achieve a life you love? If it is, you will make the best of where you are. You will choose to grow where you are planted. You will change your mindset to, "What can I do better?" You will ask yourself, "What can I do to make our school (or company) better?"
Friends, this life is short and you are never permanently stuck. If you are truly unhappy in your work, it might be time to make a change (or think about making a change) whether it be mentally or physically. But hear this, YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. The thing is, sometimes you have to work at it. Happiness doesn't just appear. You have to look for it and reach for it by finding JOY in the small things, the ordinary, the everyday.
Always cheering you on!