Finding Joy by Connecting With Others

Do you ever think of someone and comment in your head, "I should call them."

Does someone just pop into your head for no reason at all?

Do you drive through a familiar place and just think of a person or group of people?

The answer is, WE ALL DO.

We are constantly thinking of others. Whether it be a memory or time of day that triggers that person in your mind, you are thinking of them.

So what do we do with our thoughts? Let’s be honest. Most of the time we dismiss them. We let them go and move about our day never to hear from them again.

But what if we change that. What if we act on those thoughts? It is WAAAYYY easier than you think. PLUS it will lift your mood, lift the mood of the person you connect with, AND build your relationship with that person. Who doesn't want that?

So here is a challenge for you this week: I want you to ACT...every time someone pops into your head. YES...every. time.

Here's HOW:

Every time you think of someone... maybe their dad is in the hospital or they are struggling with kids at home, or life is just hard right now...

Shoot them a TEXT.

If they're getting ready for a really big test or a big job interview...

Send off a quick TEXT.

If they pop into your mind for NO REASON AT ALL...

Type a few words and click SEND!

It doesn't have to be long or lengthy or full of details. Just a Thinking of You, or Good Luck Today or Way to Go or Can't wait to hear all about it can go a LONG way.

I know I love it when people think of me and show they care. BUT I also know that showing you care about someone feels EVEN BETTER!

Not only are you creating joy for someone else, you are creating joy for yourself!

Always cheering you on!