Creating a ONE Word Goal for the New Year

As we head into the new year, I can’t help but think that there are many THINGS I would love to improve in my life. 

Traditionally, I make a long list of resolutions I want to attack the entire year and then spend the entire month, ok maybe the first 2 weeks... let’s be real, of January focusing diligently on that. 

Amped up workouts, liquid diets, cleaned out closets, organized clutter. All of these THINGS sound great!! ...and IF I accomplish them, even better! But here’s the thing... if I complete these tasks, I get to cross them off my list, I get to feel that sense of immediate gratification, BUT is THAT what I am really trying to accomplish here....maybe.  

But maybe not. 

Maybe I want just a little bit more. 

Maybe I want this year to be a year of continual change and continual growth for me as a whole person. 

Maybe this year I want it to look different.

This year I’m going to choose ONE WORD that I will focus on to be the guiding light of my year. This one word will encompass how I want to approach a new year in work, relationships, and spiritual life. This word will be in the constant forefront of my thoughts, my plans, but most importantly, my actions for the new year. This word will require discipline and full effort if it is who I desire to be by the end of the year.

Finding this word starts by looking inside and really examining myself to find what I REALLY want out of life this year. This is a word that I have prayed about. A word that will propel me forward. A word that has meaning and abundance and makes me excited and nervous all in the same breath. 

This year, my word is BRAVE. 

This year I will reach a little further than I ever have before. I will listen and learn and leap. I will find comfort in the uncomfortable and strive to get a little bit closer to what I was put on this earth to do.

I am excited to get to know you better. I am excited to dig deep and connect and learn more about the people around me. I am ecstatic about this year and all of its possibility and I can’t wait to get started. 

What about you? What word will you choose? 

Here are your ACTION STEPS:

1.Take a minute and look inward. What do you want from this year? How would you like to see yourself at the end of the year? Ask yourself these questions and reflect on WHO you WANT to be.

2.Brainstorm all of your WORD options. I have given you a few ideas below. Write down 5 that you like. 5 that speak to you.

3.Narrow your options! Think about and visualize those words. I let them bounce around in my head for a few days. Think about them, pray about them, visualize them. Then pick ONE!

4.Now SHARE! Tell people your word! Not only do you hear it and think about it, but by telling others, they will hold you accountable. They will ask you about it, and you can share how you are growing and changing because of your word!

That's it! LET'S GO!

Here are a few that I have seen that might spark an interest in your heart! Pick one and share with us #thisorganizedtehacherlife on Instgram. Or on our This Organized Teacher Life Facebook page! I can’t wait to jump into this new year with you!






























choosing joyangie smith