The Power of a List

Are you feeling scattered with all of the "to-do's" coming atcha from home, work, and kid schedules? Are looking for a system to keep you focused and on track? If so, read on!

When it comes to staying on track, I struggle.  I don't know about you, but I find myself flitting from one thing to another, putting off this and that until I have done MANY things that don't. even. matter. and the important things STILL aren't done!!!

The biggest part of this is that time after time I was FEELING that I wasn't ever getting anything done. Day after day, I would be exhausted at home and at school. I was doing task after task but feeling empty as if all of my effort was going unnoticed and just being funneled into an empty abyss, not adding to my life or the lives of the ones I love.

I needed to find a way to get my important things done, not ALL the things, but the most. important. things. And I needed to FEEL the accomplishment.  I needed to see and be able to say, "Look what I have done today!"

One thing that has absolutely SAAAAAVED me when it comes to this predicament is My Evolving List.  I know. I know.  It sounds too simple. Everybody uses a list. Well this is just a little twist on an old favorite that has made a monumental difference in my life! It goes a little something like this.

  1. Find a piece of paper or use notes in your phone. (I like to use a large note pad of really thick, beautiful paper. I purchased mine through Dapperdesk at

  2. Brainstorm all of the things that you would like to get done today and put it on your list in order of importance.

  3. Begin your day. Get things done from your list as you go about your day. If it is on the top of your list, do THIS first.

  4. As you get things done on your list, cross them off. (yes, physically put a line through them)

  5. By the end of the day you will have many things crossed of your list and feel an AMAZING sense of accomplishment looking at all of the items crossed off! Yay you!!

Now... don't stop here! This is where the evolving comes into place!

Move to tomorrow...

  1. Take the items that didn't get done. You are NOT Wonder Woman. There will still be some things that became less important or other situations that have come up and didn't allow time for you to accomplish your WHOLE list. That's OK! Take the items that were left on your list and begin tomorrows list!

  2. Rank them in a new order of importance for you to get done tomorrow.

  3. Repeat tomorrow what you did today! Do your most important things first and cross. them. off! Feeeeel the accomplishment rush through your veins and enjoy that you are getting your most important things done and you can physically see it.


  • Plan once a week and add to or reorganize daily.

  • Identify your BIG goals and get them done first. This only works if you put those big things on top of your list and get them done.

  • Group similar tasks. You will get more done if you can do all of the items at once.

  • Build in a buffer day to get those "once a week" tasks done, like going through the mail.

  • Avoid overwhelm by identifying tasks that you can say NO to or delegate to someone else. Also, be mindful of what you say YES to. Jen Hatmaker once said, "If it isn't a Hell YES, then it's a NO! This saying always helps me to make that distinction.

  • Make time daily/weekly to rest and/or recharge. You can't continue to go at a crazy pace. Block out time to slow down and rest.

I keep a list on the corner of my desk at school. I leave it on the corner of my desk and cross off items all week. It keeps me focused at school and helps me to not forget to send that quick email or get something prepared for next week. All. the. things. are right in front of me, all of the time.  Super helpful to my fleeting memory. :)

At home, I use a list in my notes on my phone. Same idea, just with me everywhere I go!

I hope you LOVE this system as much as I do and that it can help you get things done and FEEL the accomplishment of all you are doing everyday!

Always cheering you on!
