I am the founder of This Organized Teacher Life, author of Habits of the Happiest Teachers, and veteran teacher living in Washington State! I am beyond passionate about helping teachers like you eliminate teacher burnout and bring the JOY back to their lives!
Over the past 10 years, I have personally transformed my own teaching life into a life I LOVE by adding automation and organization into specific areas of high need. Now my classroom and my home run themselves and I have time to do what I love to do.
I consider it a privilege to come alongside you and put powerful strategies in your hands that will help you work smarter, not harder (my guess is that you’re probably already good at that ;) and have time for what matters most.
I am that teacher that leaves at 3:00, planned and ready for tomorrow. Not because I am working less, but because I have worked hard to establish routines and insert strategies that save me time and energy at work. So I get more done, in less time.
You can have this too!
I want to share EVERYTHING with you, walk alongside you, and guide you as you begin to bring the joy back to your teaching life. If any of this sounds good to you, you are in the right place!